====== Bluecoat 更換 SSL 憑證 ===== Bluecoat ProxySG replace SSL Certificate step not include how to create SSL。以下為憑證更換步驟,至於產生憑證的方式請直接找其他文件,在此就不再提。 ===== 步驟 Step ===== - Login to Blue Coat ProxySG Web UI - Create keyring (新增 keyring) - Configuration -> SSL -> Keyrings - Enter your key name (輸入 key 的名稱) - Check "Show key pair" (點選左邊那個 "Show key pair") - Import keyrings -> Pastes your private key content (將 private key 貼入) * 等同 equal: Apache SSLCertificateKeyFile * Start at 它的內容開頭為 -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- * End at 結束應該為 -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- - Enter your key password when need. (如果你的 key 有密碼時,記得輸入) - OK - Import Certificate (加入已被簽認的憑證) - Edit Keyring you add (編輯剛剛所新增的 key) - Import Certificate in up window (Import 憑證於上面的 Certificate,不是下面的 CSR 喔) * 等同 equal: Apache SSLCertificateFile * Start at 它的內容開頭為 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- * End at 結束應該為 -----END CERTIFICATE----- - OK - Import CA Certificate 新增中繼憑證 - Configuration -> SSL -> CA Certificates - Import - CA Cert Name - CA Certificate PEM * 等同 equal: Apache SSLCertificateChainFile * Start at 它的內容開頭為 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- * End at 結束應該為 -----END CERTIFICATE----- - 接著就可以去修改 Management Service 的 HTTPS - Configuration -> Services -> Management Services - Edit "HTTPS-Console" - Change Keyring to you create. ===== 參考網址 ===== * http://barisyabansu.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/bluecoatcertificate/