
Bluecoat 更換 SSL 憑證

Bluecoat ProxySG replace SSL Certificate step not include how to create SSL。以下為憑證更換步驟,至於產生憑證的方式請直接找其他文件,在此就不再提。

步驟 Step

  1. Login to Blue Coat ProxySG Web UI
  2. Create keyring (新增 keyring)
    1. Configuration → SSL → Keyrings
    2. Enter your key name (輸入 key 的名稱)
    3. Check “Show key pair” (點選左邊那個 “Show key pair”)
    4. Import keyrings → Pastes your private key content (將 private key 貼入)
      • 等同 equal: Apache SSLCertificateKeyFile
      • Start at 它的內容開頭為 —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—–
      • End at 結束應該為 —–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—–
    5. Enter your key password when need. (如果你的 key 有密碼時,記得輸入)
    6. OK
  3. Import Certificate (加入已被簽認的憑證)
    1. Edit Keyring you add (編輯剛剛所新增的 key)
    2. Import Certificate in up window (Import 憑證於上面的 Certificate,不是下面的 CSR 喔)
      • 等同 equal: Apache SSLCertificateFile
      • Start at 它的內容開頭為 —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–
      • End at 結束應該為 —–END CERTIFICATE—–
    3. OK
  4. Import CA Certificate 新增中繼憑證
    1. Configuration → SSL → CA Certificates
    2. Import
      1. CA Cert Name
      2. CA Certificate PEM
        • 等同 equal: Apache SSLCertificateChainFile
        • Start at 它的內容開頭為 —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–
        • End at 結束應該為 —–END CERTIFICATE—–
  5. 接著就可以去修改 Management Service 的 HTTPS
    1. Configuration → Services → Management Services
    2. Edit “HTTPS-Console”
    3. Change Keyring to you create.
